Monday, January 14, 2008

Di Tag Lagi...

Sebagai bukti sporting (Tag yg 'dihadiahkan' oleh Mat Gebu, hoho!) berikut hasilnya:-

Five Things In My Bag:
1. Blue & red pens
2. Notebook (untuk catat ilham)
3. Hand-phone
4. Aromatheraphy hand-lotion
5. Red glaze glossy lipstick (nak goda orang, hehe...)

Five Things In My Purse:
1. RM & cents
2. Identity card
3. Valid driving license
4. List bahan2 untuk food-shoot
5. Receipts kedai bakeri/stationery/Jaya Jusco (favourite places, ekekehh)

Five Favourite Things In My Bedroom:
1. Papa bear (wakaka...)
2. Bantal 2 biji (yg lembik utk peluk, haha...)
3. Reader's Digest (utk dibaca sebelum tidur!)
4. Lampu tidur yg romantik giler cahaya dia...(ehem ehem)
5. Selimut diperbuat drpd kain yg sentiasa 'sejuk'

Five Things I Wish To Do:
1. Go for pilgrimage in Mekah
2. Write best-selling novels
3. Create many fabulously-delicious recipes (yg akan jadi legend gituu..)
4. Travelling around the world
5. Build an all-glass-wall kitchen in a jungle-like area with tall trees

Five Things That I Am Doing Now:
1. Answering this Tag
2. Writing 2 articles for weekly column in Kosmo
3. Revising Cake Book Proposal for discussion tomorrow
4. Waiting for someone to reply my sms (cehh, mana dia ni pergi, hah??)
5. Scanning photos masa remaja (utk sahut cabaran Hannan of Moscow...)

Five People I Would Like To Tag:
1. Marco Polo of Venice, Italy
2. Alfonso de Albuquerque of Melaka
3. Stamford Raffles of Singapore
4. Francis Light of Pulau Pinang
5. Rajah Brooke of Sarawak

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